Welcome to gamedevs

Week 2.1

This week we basically just reoriented and reorganized ourselfes.

We reworked our UCD: UCD

We didn’t manage to follow through our original plans so we decided to cut away a few features. The features cut were mostly about enviromental interaction and procedural map generation. We want to just focus on the essential core game loop:

  • Player gets a quest to kill NPCs.
  • Player kills NPCs and gets reward.
  • Reward makes Player better at killing NPCs. For that game loop, we need the ability to generate NPCs & quests as well as some system for character progression.

We also realised that our time tracking is lacking and the project specifications are too vague and leave too much room for interpretation. Unity versions and collaboration have given us some problems too.

We have a lot of things to catch up on, but we think we can complete the game with the redefined scope.