Welcome to gamedevs

Our Project Vision

The Legend of Zelda, Super Mario, Sonic, Minecraft, Grand Theft Auto…. These are just some of the games which many consider part of their childhood or still see them as important part of their lives. Games had a huge impact, especially on the Generation Z, due to the accessibility of Technology today. We played games to get entertained, to kill our boredom. Although, the takeaways of gaming are far more than Entertainment. Sometimes they thought us new Languages, Skills or even let us see the World from a different Perspective.
Thats why we, as a project group, have decided to develop a new game with consideration of all these Factors. We want to create a Game which combines many Factors that make games so great to all of us.
Game Development is a very long and hard Process. It has many diffferent factors in it. There has to be some kind of storytelling, as games are basically movies which the User-Controls. The story is a very important part, considering the story is what will keep your game memorable for the user. There is also sound-design. All good games have great soundtracks, which characterize games and tell a story by themselves. Another important part is the art-design and level-design, which are used to design the world the game takes part in aswell as the surroundings and the characters themselves. As you can see the developement is far more than just coding a game, it requires many different development points, which have to communicate perfectly in order to create a Game that just feels right.
So we want to take on this challenge and have decided to create a game using the Unity-Game-Engine. Yet we are not sure as in if we want to go with an TopDownView, 2D or even 3D. This question should be clear when we have decided on the core story that our game will tell. Thats why for now we will not declare a name for our game, but we are proud to announce the name of our development team, Art+Game. This name basically summarizes what games are: Games consist of a type of art, the art of storytelling, sound design and character design. The second part is supposed to show what Gaming is made for: to be played.